Joined: July 5, 2007
Posts: 1
Posted: Post subject: Well this space is empty ah hahaha |
Is the coffee pot half full or half empty? I truly believe in freedom to be ones self and everything has a place to be expressed¦ everywhere there is a festival or a parade a meeting, gathering of some kind there seems to a million ways of self-expression and a million more will spring from those, there's an ebbe and flow to trends fashions and public options, I just had a fun chat about the censorship of Michelangelo's David statue, how as an art work it has inspired emotions and ever so often an up rising of having it covered¦ what if Speedo, Kelvin Kline and Joe Boxer all fighting to capitalize on covering a masters work with modern textile propaganda and plastering him all over on bill boards, magazines and advertisings. In the light of that scary thought I think¦ That statue its stone and over time the fabric will turn to dust¦ a better thought being that a concerned group of people all get together and keep an eye out to prevent the views of everyone to be clouded by dollars and cents.
Oh no the swimsuit companies will talk with the other clothing manufactures and the nudist will become the evil one¦ When isnt that funny that to cover up and then use S-- to sell the skimpy outfits that seem created the problem, twisting just naked into a hot commodity! Where did it all start?¦
So lets say popular option wins the nudist day¦ and anti clothing laws are put in place and all nudists rejoice, those left clinging to there summer fashion are forced into community service in cloth recycling plants, where they sew the now excess fabrics in to sun shades and folding chairs¦ in time all becomes “normal well how about normalish¦ because www.homeclothed and the cotton streeker underground magazine...
Ah yes the Clothed confessions “I dont feel strange about my wooly fleecy pants and sometimes Id just want to run to the store like that¦ isnt it no big deal?¦
Smuggling Grandpas Victoria secret catalog off to summer camp¦ (that will never end) oops did I type that out loud?
No point just laugh. Have a great day